See links below for a closer look at each of the courses we frequently offer.

Please note: not all of these courses are offered every year.

LDD 203 – Building a Leadership Team for Ministry
This course will enable students to discover necessary aspects of a healthy ministry team. They will participate in team building activities for the purpose of investigating the value and transferability of these events in creating a well-functioning leadership team.

LDD 204 – Leading and Mentoring a Small Group
This course incorporates the ideas of Cell-group ministry and Accountability groups to train students in required aspects of effective small group ministry. This course is followed by a practicum (LDD 205) as students begin taking leadership roles in the Discipleship groups as they lead first-year students.

LDD 205 – Practicum in Small Group Leadership
A prerequisite to this course is LDD 204. Throughout the semester, students will undertake the task of leading a small group of students in the Discipleship ministry of the institution. Each student will be directly supervised and assisted by a staff member.

LDD 206 – Leading an Outreach Team
A prerequisite to this course is MSC 192. Coinciding with this course is PMN 102. Students will help to direct and organize an outreach event with students in PMN 102. Responsibility is given to lead a team of students to participate in a special project/ outreach event.

LDD 207 – Guiding an Urban Ministry Experience
Practical experience is given to students in the tasks involved in taking leadership in a team setting. Throughout the urban ministry responsibility will be given to students to lead devotions, take initiative in inner-city ministry and help those under their direction debrief what they have been a part of.

LDD 208 – Prayer Ministry
This course is designed to help the student become more confident in a personal ministry of prayer within their congregation, a mission or any other ministry setting. This will be done as students come to a greater understanding of the power of God through prayer and then as students personally respond to God’s invitation to pray in all situations and engage in praying for one another.

LDD 211 – The Power of Character in Leadership
By investigating the impact character has on leadership, students will gain an insight into the importance of cultivating personal characteristics that will serve to provide a godly witness as a leader.

LDD 212 – Relational Issues in Leadership
Students will learn basic principles in interpersonal skills. Items such as conflict resolution and other issues involved in relating to others will be explored.

LDD 213 – Death and Dying
Facing death, and the fear and anxiety that arise from it, is part of the human experience. This course will assist the student in coming to terms with this reality, reflecting as well upon the hope the believer has in Christ. An introduction will be given to spiritual care giving to the terminally ill, dealing with grief, and listening to the stories of living and dying.

LDD 214 – Leadership Option
Nearing the completion of the second-year program students have opportunity to determine as a group one specific area of study that would be beneficial to increase in knowledge and understanding. Efforts are made by staff to find appropriate materials and instructors to meet the objectives that students decide upon.

LDD 221 – Personal Vision for Ministry and the Call to Christian Leadership
Every ministry requires leadership and it is vital that the people involved view these roles as a calling. Students will have the opportunity to learn ways to discern God’s leading to specific areas of ministry for a specific time and place.

LDD 222 – Leading Change
The principles of affecting change within an organization are taught with specific reference to the various ministries of the church. The student will learn how to lead with sensitivity to both the Holy Spirit and to the emotional attachments of individuals. Other keys to successfully bringing transition to a congregation will be investigated.

LDD 223 – Strategic Administration
The dynamics of visioning, planning and implementation are studied to prepare the student to take on various dreams and make them a reality, as God gives guidance. Essential skills in organizing and maintaining a functional office are studied in order that future ministries of the student may be enhanced rather than hindered by attention to detail.

PMN 101 – Practical Christian Ministries and Select Seminars Churches or denominations occasionally plan special learning events. With proper preparatory reading and subsequent evaluation, these may be assigned for credit. For two days per year, intensive multi-track electives will offer hands on, small group seminars dealing with practical ministries needed in church ministry. Some examples include:

  • Youth ministry.
  • Public speaking.
  • Children’s ministry or VBS.
  • Worship leading.
  • Multi media and sound system.
  • Ministry arts (banners, drama, decorating etc.).
  • (Limit of 1 credit for any combination in the Practical Ministries area that total 15 hours of course lectures)

PMN 102 – Serving the Church
A prerequisite to this course is MSC 192. This course is a practical experience where students go in teams to participate in special projects/events that have been planned by various congregations. A minimum of one full week of ministry will be experienced in a church setting.

PMN 103 – Mission and Ministry
Students will experience one full week of compassionate service at various urban locations in Western Canada. Preparation and debriefing of the ministry experiences will be required.

PMN 104, 105, 106 – Outdoor Education I (1 credit each)
As was stated in the training model, outdoor education events serve to take students outside their comfort zones in order to enhance their desire to learn and to grow in Christlikeness. Preparation and debriefing will be a part of each event.
In these modules, students will be introduced to ministries that happen primarily in the outdoors. Students will gain a combination of practical outdoor skills (hiking, canoeing, and skiing) along with important practical theory. Students will advance their knowledge of outdoor equipment, cooking, survival techniques and small group camping skills.

Some examples of the outdoor experiences offered include:

  • Fall canoe trip
  • Winter camp
  • Spring hiking trip

PMN 204, 205, 206 – Outdoor Education II (1 credit each)
Advancing outdoor education skills and taking leadership roles within outdoor experiences is the primary goal of this course that builds upon PMN 104, 105, 106. Students in this course will assist in leading and providing guidance to the students in the one hundred level modules of Outdoor Education.

PMN 108 / 208 – Drama in Worship (1 credit / semester)
Students meet three days per week to experience ministry in drama. Sharpening acting skills and performing in various roles for the purpose of communicating Gospel truths is the central emphasis of this course. Regular performances will be a requirement for those involved in this course.

PMN 109 / 209 – Ministry Tour
This module involves ravel throughout the western provinces in Canada and/or the northern states for a ten-day period involved in ministry. A broad range of service and ministry opportunities exists. Each tour is undertaken with a group of students and in connection with mission organizations, churches and para-church agencies in order that each student might gain further exposure to the scope of Christian ministry.

PMN 185 / 285 – Leading Worship I & II (1 credit / semester)
Worship in today’s evangelical church is in a time of great flux. Changes inside and outside the church are redefining how we think about worship. It is therefore mandatory that today’s facilitators of worship remain anchored to the Biblical text and culturally relevant in all areas related to the practice of corporate worship. Leading Worship addresses not only the style of our worship, but also the content. This course encourages students to think, plan and lead worship, giving opportunity for practical application in all three areas.

PMN 198 / 298 – Short-term Ministry Practicum
Hands-on opportunities to develop ministry skills are frequently available for students to engage in. Invitations to be involved in speaking engagements, youth retreat leadership, etc. will be screened by CLBI staff and individual students prepared for this challenge may be presented with opportunity to learn in this capacity. It is expected that a minimum of 30 hours of active work in preparing, conducting and debriefing the event occur under supervised direction.

PMN 231 – Sonlife Seminars – Youth Ministry
A well-known foundation for youth ministry development that is able to be used in the local congregation. Many principles from the seminars are transferable to other ministries within the church. The Foundations seminar is offered at CLBI and Strategy can be obtained frequently through Sonlife seminar courses across Western Canada. The combined Foundations and Strategy seminars fulfill this youth ministry credit.

PMN 291 – Exploring Ministry in Vocation
It is commonly experiences and exposure that God uses to confirm His calling on our lives. Exploring Ministry in Vocation gives the student opportunity to shadow a Christian in a selected vocation for a week. Key objectives for the course include discovering the challenges and opportunities of being a minister in the marketplace.

PMN 300 – Internship (30 credits / year)
In this extended experience of a minimum of 1000 hours over eight months, students will work alongside a person in vocational ministry in order to:

  • put into practice what has already been learned
  • build confidence through completing ministry tasks
  • expand vision for personal ministry
  • uncover areas where further training is needed

It is intended that the Spirit of God bring a flourishing of gifting, vision, skills, character and heart in the life of an intern. Part of this occurs through hands-on involvement in ministry. An additional component is involvement in a variety of seminars, courses, and other learning opportunities related to the major. Supporting the intern in this season of intensive growth is a team of individuals including the CLBI internship director, an intern supervisor, a field mentor, and a personal mentor.

BIS 101 – Bible Overview
The purpose of this course is to give a general background for other Bible courses. It provides an introduction to the history of the canon, Bible geography, the nature and unity of Scripture and a defense of Biblical inspiration and inerrancy.

BIS 102 – Introduction to the Old Testament
A survey of the literature, history and background of the canonical books of the Old Testament with introductory skills being developed in Inductive Bible Study methods.

BIS 103 – Introduction to the New Testament
A survey of the literature, history and background of the canonical books of the New Testament with more advanced skills being developed in Inductive Bible Study methods.

BIS 111 / BIS 211 – Genesis 1 – 11
Dinosaurs. Fossils. Evolution. Millions of Years. Noah’s Flood. Tower of Babel. These are all hot topics. How are these to be understood in light of Scripture? What about in light of science? This course will look at these and other origins topics in light of the first eleven chapters of the Torah, taking solid exegetical techniques into consideration, without ignoring solid scientific techniques. The student will learn how our faith affects how we perceive and interpret evidence.

BIS 112 / BIS 212 – Genesis 12 – 50
A study of this book reveals the faithfulness of Almighty God to the patriarchs and the foundations for the people of Israel.

BIS 113 / BIS 213 – Exodus
A devotional study of this important book of the Bible will emphasize the life of Moses, the themes of redemption, the giving of the Law and the building of the tabernacle.

BIS 114 / BIS 214 – The Book of Hebrews
A study of Hebrews reveals Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of all Old Testament sacrifice and worship. Leviticus, Numbers and
Deuteronomy will be viewed as background material for this study.

BIS 121 / BIS 221 – Conquest of Canaan
As the books of Joshua and Judges are studied, attention will be given to the qualities of Biblical leadership and the guidance the Lord gives in bringing victory to His people.

BIS 122 / BIS 222 – The Kingdom of Israel
The books of 1 and 2 Samuel as well as 1 and 2 Kings will be studied both to outline the history of the nation of Israel and to discuss what made some kings great and some insignificant. Special attention will be given to the life of King David.

BIS 123 / BIS 223 – Exile and Return
This course will cover the books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. Its focus will be on the methods of leadership and the provision of God for His people as they rebuilt their homeland.

BIS 131 / BIS 231 – Isaiah
Students will come to know Isaiah by a systematic and devotional approach to this rich prophetic book. Jesus quoted from, explained, and fulfilled the book of Isaiah that has been very important to many of God’s people. Application of the message will be made to today’s society and culture

BIS 132 / BIS 232 – Jeremiah / Lamentations
As Jeremiah bares his feelings of anguish and frustration, and also his deep love for wayward Jerusalem, students gain a deeper understanding of the conflicts and struggles in their own Christian lives. They will study the prophet and his ministry against the backdrop of the political, social, economical and religious environment of the day.

BIS 133 / BIS 233 – Ezekiel / Daniel
As study is given to these books of prophetic and apocalyptic content, emphasis will be placed on the meaning for the audience in their setting. As well, discussion will be given to the relevance of these books to modern day Christians living as strangers and foreigners in this world.

BIS 134 / BIS 234 – Minor Prophets
An overview of the background and message of the Old Testament books of Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi will be given. Passages that connect to the Gospel and have modern application will be highlighted.

BIS 141 / BIS 241 – Proverbs: Godly Wisdom
The Book of Proverbs is taught with emphasis placed upon the appropriation of God’s Word into Christian life. Some of the major themes will include marriage, family, Biblical stewardship and general wisdom.

BIS 142 / BIS 242 – Corinthians: Life in the Body
The Apostle Paul addressed topics such as spiritual gifts, ethics and life in the Body of Christ in his letters to the Church at Corinth. These letters will be studied giving special attention for application to the 21st century believer.

BIS 143 / BIS 243 – I, II, III John: The Mark of a Christian
As the books of 1 – 3 John are studied, discussion will center on the definition of love in the Bible and how this mark of a Christian is expressed before a watching world: putting love into action.

BIS 151 / BIS 251 – Synoptic Gospels
The books of Matthew, Mark and Luke will be studied to explore the depth, beauty and power of the gospels and to develop skills in textual analysis and interpretation. The student will also discover the distinct perspectives of the authors God inspired to write these books.

BIS 152 / BIS 252 – Gospel of John
This course will give attention to the person of Jesus Christ, His deity, His signs, His discourses and His interaction with various people throughout the Gospel. Every effort will be made to make this a personal encounter with Christ, not solely an intellectual, academic endeavour.

BIS 153 / BIS 253 – Passion Narratives
Each gospel writer devotes a great percentage of his writing to the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through interaction with other Scriptural passages, the centrality of the cross to the Christian faith is examined.

BIS 163 / BIS 263 – Hosea / Galatians
The major Scriptural theme of Grace will be explored as it is presented in both Testaments. Students will see how God loves us undeservedly, recognizing that we are justified by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. Resource material for this course will be drawn from the Lutheran Confessions.

BIS 164 / BIS 264 – Romans
Paul’s letter to the Romans exposes sin’s universal power to separate us from our Creator. Overwhelmed by God’s new act in Jesus Christ, he proclaims the Gospel of Salvation for Jews and Gentiles. Contemporary attitudes and lifestyles will be examined in light of the Biblical worldview outlined in this pivotal letter.

BIS 165 / BIS 265 – James
This module is biblical and devotional study of the background, authorship and content of the New Testament book of James. Goals of the course include learning to “consider it all joy” when encountering trials and helping believers to be “doers of the Word and not merely hearers.” Students are equipped to develop a discerning heart to see if their lives bear evidence of authentic saving faith.

BIS 174 / BIS 274 – Colossians
As this class takes a look back at the New Testament church and the components of a healthy congregation, through a study of Colossians, attention will also be given to how we are to live and function in the church today.

BIS 175 / BIS 275 – Ephesians
As this class takes a look back at the New Testament church and the components of a healthy congregation, through a study of Ephesians, attention will also be given to how we are to live and function in the church today.

BIS 176 / BIS 276 – Revelation
An introduction to apocalyptic literature. An overview will be given of the differing interpretations of the book among evangelical scholars including the variance in perspectives on the millennium. Students will gain a broader understanding and insight as to how to interpret the visions and symbols found in this prophetic book.

BIS 344 – Pastoral Epistles
Through the study of I and II Timothy and Titus students will get a snapshot into the life and ministry of two early church leaders. Special attention will be given to the issues that were important at the time of their writing and to their counterparts in the church today. Since their mentor in the Christian faith wrote these letters to youthful pastors, words of godly encouragement and concern from the apostle Paul will be identified and personally applied.

MSC 192 / MSC 292 – Communicating the Christian Faith
This is a course to prepare Christians in the methods and message for personal sharing of Jesus Christ and the principles of how to disciple a new believer. Popular evangelism literature will be surveyed and a core of Bible verses memorized.

MSC 193 / MSC 293 – Nurturing the Christian Faith
The student will explore a philosophy, vision and practical methods of Christian education to strengthen and solidify the Christian faith from childhood to the senior years.

MSC 194 / MSC 294 – Introduction to World Missions
The student will be introduced to the practice of Christian mission in the cross-cultural context within Canada and “to the ends of the earth.” The course will begin with the Biblical basis for mission, consider various theologies and mission histories and include a discussion on the call to missions as vocation in today’s world.

MSC 195.3 / MSC 295.3 – Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (3 credits)
This course presents a multi-faceted collection of readings exploring the Biblical, historical, cultural and strategic dimensions of world evangelization. The course has been constructed by the Institute of International Studies (US Center for World Mission) and uses their study guide and accompanying collection of readings.

MSC 196 / MSC 296 – World Religions
Several world religions are reviewed in this course in order to understand their beliefs and their relationship to Christianity. The questions of religious pluralism/universalism will be raised in relation to the issue of truth claims made by each faith. Religions explored will be Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Baha’i.

MSC 197 / MSC 297 – Responding to the Cults
This course includes an introduction to the sociology of cult groups. The theological beliefs and general characteristics of major cults will be explored and critiqued. The cults that are examined are the New Age Movement, Wicca (witchcraft and neo-paganism), Satanism, the Jehovah’s Witness beliefs, Mormonism, and Freemasonry. Basic witnessing principles and ways of dialogue will also be covered in this course.

MSC 201, 202, 203 – Cross-cultural Mission Preparation (1 credit each)
Students will be involved in prayer and the preparation process working toward the identification, contact, and administration of a three-week spring mission trip to a people group for the purpose of evangelism. Students will develop a mission statement, conduct research, determine effective strategies, and outline plans for the cross-cultural mission event. MSC 201, 202, 203 will serve to prepare each student individually and the group as a team for the cross-cultural mission event.

MSC 204.3 – Cross-cultural Mission Experience (3 credits)
Prerequisite to this course is MSC 201, 202, 203. Following extensive mission trip preparation, each student in the course is required to be involved in a mission trip to a group of another culture during the month of May.

CRL 101 – Biblical Worldview
This course will seek to equip the student to understand and critique contemporary worldviews in light of Biblical revelation. The influence of various forms of popular media will be explored.

CRL 102 – The Christian’s Approach to Suffering
Through a study of Job, Philippians, and 1 and 2 Peter, a balanced understanding of the theology of the cross will be developed, assisting the student to find encouragement and joy in the Christian life, no matter what the circumstances.

CRL 103 / 203 – Responding to God through the Arts
God has gifted individuals with the ability to express their worship and witness through visual, literary, theatrical and other performing arts. These various forms of expression will be studied in light of Biblical examples.

CRL 144 / CRL 244 – Godly Relationships
One of the greatest issues and decisions in life pertains to relationships and marriage. This course is offered that students might learn to make God-honoring decisions regarding relationships and in preparation for marriage. Students are challenged to set parameters on relationships within the context of Christian community at Bible school which will develop disciplines and serve as a foundation in dealing with relationships in the future.

CRL 145 / CRL 245 – Biblical Financial Principles
This course is an eye-opening journey examining the scriptural principles of financial stewardship leading the student to develop a biblical theology of stewardship. Students will be exposed to key biblical texts and discuss their implications for living. The student will also learn that God’s Word forms the basis for both personal and ministry related financial stewardship.

CRL 146 / CRL 246 – Godly Character
In the beauty of creation during an outdoor trip, students will be challenged to marvel at God’s handiwork in not only the grandeur explored externally but also the intricacies within as human beings created uniquely by God. Biblical attributes of a godly man and woman as outlined in Scripture will be explored. Students will investigate concepts of personhood, self-esteem and character formation. The course will be built much around discussion and personal reflection.

CRL 147 / CRL 247 – Faith, Film & Culture
This course will seek to engage students in a dialogue between the Christian faith and contemporary culture through the medium of movies. Special attention is given to redemptive themes, portrayals of Christians, and the various ways film depicts the human condition — our brokenness, questions, goals, and hopes. Following the Scripture’s call to “test everything; hold on to the good” (1 Thes. 5:21), students will strive to watch and listen perceptively, seeking to learn whenever possible, and to affirm or critique as necessary.

CRL 161 / CRL 261 – Living Free in Christ
This course is designed for study early in the school year to help students have the assurance of salvation in Jesus Christ, understand their identity in Christ, deal with pain and scars of the past and live confidently in the freedom of the Gospel.

CRL 162 / CRL 262 – A Christian’s Approach to Anger
Many individuals face issues pertaining to self-control, this course is offered that students might learn to identify anger issues. To undo the mastery which anger can have, students will learn how to let go of bitterness, how to deal with self-rejection and how to be joyful.

CRL 165 / CRL 265 – Understanding Grace
This course is designed with the following objectives:

  1. To interact with the Biblical text and with a well written textbook in order to provide the student the opportunity to struggle with and to understand better the concept of the grace of God.
  2. To assist the student in developing resources for sharing discoveries of grace with others in student groups or in their home church.
  3. To provide a personalized opportunity for study through which credits may be obtained.

CRL 181 / CRL 281 – Personal Worship and Prayer
Using the book of Psalms as a resource, the course will encourage the students to become a worshiper in the secret place, with attention given to various forms of prayer, personal quiet time, and other spiritual disciplines.

CRL 283 – Worship Today
This module looks at current trends of worship in our post-modern culture with the intent of developing an authentic Biblical model for today and in the future. The praise and worship of the Revelation to John is integrated.

THL 101, 102, 103 – Foundations of Faith I, II, III (1 credit each)
The great doctrines of the Bible are studied systematically by means of assigned Bible passages and lectures. Comparisons are made with the confessional writing of the Church. Studies include God, man, sin, salvation, the church, means of grace and end times. These modules provide an introduction to Biblical hermeneutics.

THL 165 / THL 265 – Theology of the Cross: Studies in the
Lutheran Confessions

A brief introduction to the doctrinal content of the Book of Concord, the confessional writings of the church from the days of the Reformation that describes what it means to be Lutheran. Much time will be given to class discussion in a question and answer format.

THL 146 / THL 246 – The Influence of Pietism within the Lutheran Church
This course is an introduction to the emphasis on personal piety that was part of Lutheranism in Scandinavia and Germany, and played a key role in the Bible school movement throughout the world.Through lecture and classroom discussion, the goal is to developwithin each student a healthyappreciation and understanding of pietism within the life of the church.

THL 191 / THL 291 – Apologetics
Defense of the Christian faith will be studied in light of various philosophies and religious thought. The Alpha Course may serve as a basis for this course.

THL 192 / THL 292 – Hermeneutics
The content of this module will provide students with opportunity to investigate the theory and practice of biblical interpretation. Attention will be given to the history of interpretation, to some basic principles of hermeneutics, and to appropriate interpretive strategies.

THL 201, 202, 203 – Spiritual Formation I, II, III (1 credit each)
The purpose of this class is to help build a stronger theological foundation for life. The portrayal of the spiritual life as a journey is investigated, as well as the facets of Christian spirituality and how they relate to personal and ministry experiences. Intentional effort is made to help students bridge the perceived gap between theology and day-to-day life.

HIS 171 / HIS 271 – Acts: Birth of the Church
The Acts of the Apostles serves as the source of discussion for this course, with emphasis placed on Biblical models for evangelism, community and Spirit-filled ministry.

HIS 172 / HIS 272 – The Church Through History [Pre-Reformation]
In this course, the history of the Christian Church from the first century to the Reformation in the 1500’s is surveyed with a focus on the most significant events in the expansion of Christianity.

HIS 173 / HIS 273 – The Church Through History [Post-Reformation]
In this course, the history of the Christian Church from the sixteenth century to today is surveyed with a focus on the most significant events and leadership in theological and denominational development.

HIS 174 / HIS 274 – Reformation History
A study of the context, key events and lasting impact of the Protestant Reformation. Special attention will be given to the person of Martin Luther, other reformers and the development of the confessional writings of the church.

HIS 182 / HIS 282 – Roots of Christian Worship and Prayer
This course seeks to develop within students an appreciation and understanding of the historical styles of Biblical worship from Hebrew expressions to contemporary liturgies. The church year and hymnody shall also be studied.