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Dr. Peter Beckman






Peter Beckman is the Pastor at Bardo Lutheran Church in Tofield, AB. He is married to his best friend Emily and is passionate about the wonder and mystery of knowing and encountering Christ through passionate teaching, the sacramental and liturgical life, and intentional relationships. He studied at Moody Bible Institute (BA), Dallas Theological Seminary (ThM), and Saint Paul University Ottawa/University of Ottawa (PhD). 


Passion Week & God’s Renewal
Christians often reflect on the Good News of Jesus in terms of how it benefits them individually. This talk will help us to see the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as the launch of the bigger story of God’s redemption of all things. The Good News is that in Jesus God has conquered death, sin, and the powers of this world as he makes all things new in Jesus.


  • This is a FREE EVENT but a free-will offering will be taken.
  • To RSVP, please email info@clbi.edu or call the CLBI office at 780-672-4454.
  • Event will be live-streamed on the CLBI Facebook Page.

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