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Origins: A study of Genesis 1-11

Dinosaurs. Fossils. Evolution. Millions of Years. Noah’s Flood. Tower of Babel. These are all hot topics. How are these to be understood in light of Scripture? What about in light of science? This course will look at these and other origins topics in light of the first eleven chapters of the Torah, taking solid exegetical techniques into consideration, without ignoring solid scientific techniques. Attend the course to learn how our faith affects how we perceive and interpret evidence.

Class times: Mondays, 7:00 – 9:30pm November 6, 13, 20, 27, Dec. 4 & 11

Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute, 4837 – 52A Street, Camrose, AB

Cost: $70/person, $110/couple, or $150 for a group of three

Textbook cost is $20.

Call for more information or to register: 780.672.4454
E-mail: clbi@clbi.edu

A study of Genesis 1-11
Vance Nelson is a researcher, speaker, and writer. He travels the world searching for
evidence relating to the history of planet earth. He has been on international radio
and television. He lives in Red Deer with his wife and children.
“I am a skeptic at heart. I want to see the evidence with my own eyes, examine it
with my own hands, and analyze it with my own mind. During my travels, I have
seen things that I could never have dreamed of only ten years ago. The world is an
amazing place with an incredible history. Generally, people only hear a tidbit of
that history.” – Vance Nelson
To learn more about Vance, visit his website: www.untoldsecretsofplanetearth.com

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