Course Title
The Gospel of Luke
BIS 155.1/255.1
Course Description
As we continue to respond to Jesus’ call to follow Him, we need to be invested in the Gospel narratives to see what Jesus is up to in the call to follow Him and grow in our discipleship. The Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, & Luke) reveal Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection in 3 unique ways as they account Jesus’ teaching, actions, and salvation work. The Gospel of Luke reveals unique parables and perspectives of both the ministry and the purpose of Jesus. This class will introduce students to the perspective of Luke as the Holy Spirit inspired him to write.
Erick Sorensen is in charge of Church Partnerships in the Development Department at 1517, a nonprofit organization that exists to declare and defend the Good News that you are forgiven and free on account of Christ alone. His B.S. in Organizational Leadership is from Biola University, and his M.Div. is from Lutheran Brethren Seminary. Erick has served as a pastor in Fontana, California, Staten Island, New York and Roxbury, New Jersey. In 2015 he planted Epiphany Lutheran Church in New York City, New York. Erick is host of the Law & Gospel Devotional, co-host of the 30 Minutes in the New Testament and Field Guide to the Bible podcasts, and is co-author of Scandalous Stories: A Sort of Commentary on the Parables. For more, check out
Option 1: $150 (includes online access and course content)
Option 2: $200 (includes course content and lunch meals)
Option 3: $400 (includes course content, meals, and room & board on campus)
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Email or call us at 780-672-4454.