International Students


At CLBI, our students get the opportunity to dive deeply into their faith, to grow in their personal relationship with Jesus and others, and to learn what it means to live as disciples. For more information, check out the CLBI PROGRAMor contact


Application Timeline

If you are non-Canadian citizen, we ask that you begin the CLBI application process at least 10 months before the start date of the program year you wish to attend.

Application Fees

Upon submitting an application, all international students must submit an application fee of $150.00 (CAN). After students receive their letter of acceptance, students are to submit an additional tuition deposit of $250.00 to reserve their spot in the program.


Detailed information about studying in Canada as an international student can be found HERE

For information regarding the study permit process, click HERE


Since CLBI is a non-accredited undergraduate school, we do not accept previous degrees. If an International Student applies for our Bachelor of Applied Christian Studies and uses previous education from outside Canada to fulfill the Liberal Arts requirements to complete the B.A.C.S., IQAS and CHEA will be utilized to assess the credentials of the educational institution from which the student is transferring.

✔️ HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA (or equivalent)

Detailed information about studying in Canada as an international student can be found HERE. For information regarding the study permit process, click HERE.

As of January 2024, all international students in Canada must be able to show that they have access to $20,635, in addition to money for their first year’s tuition and travel expenses.

International students who have completed an academic high school program comparable to the Alberta program and who possess proficiency in oral and written English will be considered for admission. Students for whom English is not a first language are required to present validation of facility in English by one of the following:

  • New Internet Based TOEFL (iBT) with a minimum of 83 overall, with a score of 20 in each of four testings, within the last three years, is required for admission. TOEFL examination information can be accessed at
  • A score of 7 using the Academic Reading and Writing Modules on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) within the last three years. Testing information and access to testing can be found here:
  • A score of 70 on the Canadian Academic English Language Assessment (CAEL) within the last three years. The testing information can found here:
  • Successful completion of at least two years of formal, full-time study, consisting of not less than three courses per semester at an English secondary or post-secondary institution in an English-speaking country which CLBI recognizes as English language proficiency exempt, during the five consecutive years immediately preceding the session to which the student is applying for admission.

To find out if you are eligible to apply, click here to check your eligibility.


  • CLBI does not provide advice or council regarding immigration issues.

Immigration Refugees & Citizenship

  • CLBI does not provide on campus work options, or provide council regarding immigration matters.
  • International students can attend CLBI for a 1,2, or 4 year program (3rd year internship program and 4th year bachelor program students will complete their education off campus).


All international students attending CLBI must apply for Alberta Health Care coverage upon arrival in Canada. Click on the following links to find out more information on:

If a student does not qualify for Alberta Health Care, CLBI requires that you obtain adequate health care coverage through alternative care providers. Medical services are available through a number of facilities in the Camrose area. The nearest hospital is St. Mary’s Hospital, Camrose.

Health and Social Service Support

For support with health and social services for international students, click on the following links:


For information regarding the cost of the CLBI programs and services, go to the CLBI ADMISSIONS PAGE. Tuition for International Students who have a Study Permit is payable in the following manner:

  • 35% of semester tuition is due on the Semester Fee Payment Deadline (Friday before classes commence)
  • 25% of semester tuition is due on the Last Day to Withdraw from a Course with a Voluntary Withdrawal grade (approximately 60% of the way through a semester – see the Academic Calendar for exact date in each semester)
  • 40% of semester tuition is due on the Last Day of Classes in the semester

Grades and transcripts will not be issued until all tuition fees have been paid.


Refunds for International Students who have a Study Permit will be paid to the student or organization which originally paid the tuition. Refunds for International Students who have a Study Permit are payable according to the following schedule:

  • Full refund of the first installment, minus a $20 administration fee, will be paid if a student officially withdraws within the first 10% of the course time or access, 50% refund of the first installment, minus a $20 administration fee, will be paid if a student officially withdraws within the first 30% of the course time or access.
  • No refund of the second or third instalments will be provided.


CLBI has designated staff to support international students in adjusting to life in Canada and on campus. CLBI serves international students coming to the CLBI community in the following ways:

  • Transportation to and from the airport upon arrival and departure to and from the CLBI campus.
  • All international students are assigned room and board upon arrival.
  • Orientation to the CLBI community, the surrounding area, and city of Camrose.
  • Academic support and resources as needed.
    • Due to the smaller class sizes, CLBI is able to provide direct 1 on 1 academic support through the Program Director and class instructors.
  • Providing available counselling resources in the community.
  • Assist in finding health and social service resources in the community.
  • We will provide these services in a timely fashion.

For information on CLBI office hours, please visit
International students who have contacted CLBI can expect a timely response of approximately 2-3 business days.

For more information on support for international students, please contact the Director of Admissions at


To ensure a comfortable and welcoming arrival to CLBI, international students will be met at the airport by a CLBI representative, and will be transported to the CLBI campus. In order to provide this service, we ask that international students contact the Program Director (program@clbi.eduas early as possible so that they can coordinate adequate transportation to and from the airport.

Upon their departure of CLBI, international students are to contact the Program Director ( who will provide logistics for transportation to the airport.


CLBI students are strongly encouraged to reside in our dorms which open the day before classes begin. Special arrangements can be made for International students who arrive early. The dorm policies are publicly available at:


Students are designated a dorm room at the time of registration. Requests for a particular room location can be made prior to registration but are only granted in extenuating circumstances. Living in close quarters can be a growing experience and provides an excellent chance to develop new friendships. Students are expected to intentionally engage in these opportunities.


A collateral deposit of $250 is required upon enrolment to cover possible damage to school property or loss of residence key. The amount is refundable after graduation or upon withdrawal from CLBI if no charges have been levied against it and providing all fees have been paid.


Dorm rooms at CLBI come equipped with a closet, dresser, table/desk, and a bed. Switching furniture between dorm rooms should only be done with permission of a Residence Life Director. Moving furniture from any of the lounges is not permitted.


Since it is your home for eight months, we encourage you to add personality to your room and decorate it. Please use discretion in the type of posters/pictures you hang. Use poster putty or talk to Director of Maintenance for recommendations on other appropriate materials.


To minimize fire hazards and circuit overload, sun lamps, electric blankets, hot plates, and corn poppers are not to be used in dorm rooms. Personal cooking can be done in the Co-Ed kitchen in the Vinge Centre. Also, candles and incense are not allowed due to fire hazards. Please keep all furniture (including bed) 15 cm away from heat register.


CLBI does not assume responsibility for lost or stolen items. We encourage you to only bring necessary items and to keep valuable possessions locked up. Each dorm requires a security code/card to enter, and each room has its own lock.


Pets are not allowed on the CLBI campus, with the exception of fish kept in a regularly cleaned aquarium. You must first talk to your roommate and the Residence Life Directors before bringing any pets on campus.


The Residence Life Directors are responsible to oversee the activities in the dorm. They work to provide positive community life, quality social-life activities, personal guidance, support and counsel for all students living on campus. Please respect them as leaders and feel free to bring questions and concerns to them.


The Residence Life Directors will carry out periodic room inspections throughout the year. Let these encourage you to keep your room clean and tidy. We reserve the right to inspect any room at any time if there are warranting concerns.


The dormitories at CLBI are not Co-Ed. Explicitly, women are not allowed in the men’s dorm and vice versa. Because of the need for privacy and respect this rule is strictly enforced. There will be occasional “open dorm” times, during which doors must be kept wide open.


Guests are welcome to visit during your time at CLBI. Both the office and the Residence Life Directors need to know in advance. You are responsible for your guests – that they follow all CLBI policies and procedures, as well as the covenant while they are at CLBI. You are also responsible that fees for meals and overnight stays are paid to the office or the Residence Life Directors. Unless special permission is given, three days is the limit for a guest’s stay.


If counselling is requested or desired, CLBI covers the costs for all students to receive 6 sessions of counselling per school year. To inquire, contact the CLBI office in person, or call 780-672-4454. For more information on mental health, check out


Academic Evaluation and Excellence

Grades will be assigned to students for each module they take. Marked papers or exams will be returned to students and the accompanying grades will appear on a transcript that students receive at the end of the year.  Student will also have access to their personal transcript marks on the CLBI student portal.

Students will normally be required to complete a minimum of two assignments or quizzes during each week.


A 90-100 4.0

Excellent superior performance, shows comprehensive understanding of module material.

A- 85-89 3.7
B+ 80-84 3.3
B 75-79 3.0

Good, above average performance and knowledge of module material.

B- 70-74 2.7
C+ 67-69 2.3
C 63-66 2.0

Satisfactory, basic understanding of module material.

C- 60-62 1.7
D+ 55-59 1.3
D 50-54 1.0

Minimal pass, marginal performance and effort.

E 40-49 0.0

Conditional; May be raised to a pass by completing additional coursework.

F -49 0.0

Failure to demonstrate understanding of module material.

Academic Excellence

Students completing one of the CLBI programs can be recognized with honour status. Highest Honour status is awarded to full-time students that graduate with a grade point average of 3.85 or above and have completed at least 30 (certificate program) or 60 (diploma program) credits. Honour status is awarded to students that graduate with a grade point average between 3.60 and 3.84 and have completed at least 30 (certificate program) or 60 (diploma program) credits.

Graduation Requirements

  • Certificate of Biblical Studies and Christian Discipleship requires 30 credits with a 65% average (2.0 GPA).
  • Diploma of Biblical Leadership and Christian Mission requires 60 credits (30 credits from Certificate of Biblical Studies and Christian Discipleship) with a 65% average (2.0 GPA).

Academic Concern

Students whose grade point average in the last 3 one credit modules was below 65%, are placed on academic concern. The student will then be required to attend supervised study during designated hours throughout the following school week. Academic concern is removed when the G.P.A. for the next 3 one credit modules is 65% or above. If a student remains on academic concern for 3 consecutive one credit modules is required to take at least 4 weeks away from academic and campus life  before permission is granted to register for another course. If a student is International, CLBI will provide for room and board during this 4 week period. A student may submit a written appeal to the Program Director requesting a review of the decision.

Class Attendance

Attendance at each class session is important for learning and for the development of personal discipline. Each module’s Instructor will clearly communicate attendance requirements and penalties for absences in the course syllabus. The Program Director  reserves the right to determine whether a student who has missed more than two of the present module’s classes will receive the one credit for that particular module.