Outdoor Trips
We believe God’s creation to be both a cathedral and a classroom. We are passionate about this and want to be outdoors every chance we get! Part of our programs involves heading to the mountains every fall and winter for camping trips where we engage in outdoor education, bond with each other, experience God, and take in the breathtaking scenery.
A week-long trip that happens during the fall term involving canoeing down the rivers, hiking up mountains, and small-group camping in the beauty of the outdoors. Students are taught outdoor skills such as outdoor cooking, small group interactions, low impact camping, and an introduction to outdoor equipment. The whole school bonds in amazing ways, and you’ll return with stories of laughter and adventure!
A 5-day camping trip that happens during the winter term. We head down to the foothills of the Canadian Rockies for a winter campout where students are placed together in small groups that hike, build a shelter, and compete in challenges together. It is team-building, stretching, and enables incredible encounters with God and His creation.
Why Outdoor Trips?
All of the outdoor experiences attempt to tie in spiritual truths as they are revealed through God’s creation. As student’s are stretched physically, they are also stretched spiritually. Outdoor skills are taught through the wilderness challenges that are presented, as well as underlying principles of healthy living, and an appreciation of nature through fun, recreation and solitude. We then transfer these skills and experiences to Christian life!
What makes it awesome?
“I arrived at CLBI ready to dive into the word. CLBI was ready for me to dive into the outdoors, daring me to live in God’s holy wild. So there I was, at the summit of Mount Carthew in Waterton National Park overlooking Montana to the south, British Columbia to the west, and the golden plains of Alberta to the east. I was cold, hungry and my legs were burning but all of that didn’t seem to matter. I was experiencing God’s wonder!”
Students entering CLBI should be prepared to face challenges that will take them out of their comfort zones, be eager to learn to work together in a team, and be willing to undertake each test of character with determination.