Policies and Regulations

Students are expected to respect the following institutional guidelines while at CLBI. Failure to comply may result in the student being asked to withdraw.

  1. Students will be committed to abstain from practices that Scripture speaks against. Scripture identifies as wrong such specific acts as drunkenness, gossip, occult practices, and sexual sins. These include premarital sex, prostitution, pornographic involvement, and adultery. Forms of dress or adornment that imply endorsement of such behaviours are similarly to be avoided. Scripture also requires that such attitudes as greed, jealousy, envy, lust, bitterness, gossip, unrestrained anger and an unforgiving spirit not be found in Christian community.
  2. Students will be committed to refrain from smoking or any other use of tobacco. Students will abstain from gambling in any form, including lotteries and VLTs. They will refrain from dishonesty in any form (verbal or written). They will abstain from the use of alcoholic beverages or street drugs. They will abstain from the possession or use of pornographic or any morally or degrading literature or media. Students will not attend establishments or activities where it is a reasonable expectation that drugs and/or alcohol may be present. Should an exception to this be imminent, clear boundaries that would uphold Campus Policies and maintain a Christian witness must be set.
  3. Students will be committed to exercise good judgment in their involvement with media. Students will restrict their participation with movies, videos, computer and video games, the internet, and literature with Christian discretion.
  4. Students will not engage in any abusive behaviour or harassment of any form. CLBI’s detailed Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault is available at the Main Office upon request.
  5. Students will not be involved in any form of criminal offense.

CLBI believes that adherence to the above guidelines fosters the kind of academic and social environment that is desirable at a Bible school. These guidelines also serve to protect the integrity of CLBI’s reputation in the community and among our constituents.


Anyone who thinks an academic decision made by a person at CLBI is incorrect has the right to appeal that decision. The following policies govern the way appeals are made and handled.

Academic Appeals

An appeal of an academic decision begins with the person first making the decision to appeal, and proceeds as indicated below. Appeals of grades on course work or the final course grade are to be initiated within fifteen days of the grade being posted in the learning platform or emailed in the case of course work for live courses.

Reappraisal of Grade Decisions

A.   A mark on a course assignment:

  1. The student is to ask the course instructor for a re-evaluation within fifteen days of the assignment being marked in an online course or the mark being sent to the student in the case of a live course. The student will receive a written response.
  2. A student who is still dissatisfied must refer the assignment, in writing with an explanation of why they think the mark is inappropriate to the Program Director within 15 days of receiving the response in #1 from the instructor.
  3. The decision of the Program Director is final. The student will receive a written response.

B.   A final course grade:

  1. The student must ask the instructor or Program Director for a re-assessment within fifteen days of the grade being given in order to seek a resolution. The student will receive a written response.
  2. A student who is still dissatisfied must submit to the Program Director, within fifteen days of receiving the response in #1, a written, formal request for a review. Grounds for the appeal must be stated clearly and fully.
  3. The decision of the Program Director is final. The student will receive a written response.


Student files are confidential, stored securely, and limited in access. Student files are to be accessed only at the approval of the Program Director or Registrar. To contact the Program Director, email program@clbi.edu.


CLBI is aware of and adheres to the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards. As an institution that is proudly rooted in Christ, all publications or advertisements regarding any part of CLBI, or CLBI as a whole, are to reflect the attitudes and mindset of CLBI and its mission. For more information on what we believe, please visit www.clbi.edu/what-we-believe.

For any questions or concerns regarding advertising or marketing strategies and/or content of CLBI, please contact the Director of Communications at communications@clbi.edu.